
HiPerBorea fédère des équipes de quatre laboratoires français :

  • Géosciences Environnement Toulouse (GET)
  • l’Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse (IMFT)
  • le Centre d’Etude Spatiale de la Bisosphère (CESBIO)
  • le Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement (LSCE)

HiPerBorea est également en lien avec des partenaires scientifiques internationaux impliqués dans l’observation des surfaces continentales boréales, notamment l’Institut de la Forêt Sukachev à Kranoyarsk, l’Université d’Etat de Tomsk et le Secrétariat Suédois à la Recherche Polaire.

PartnerNameFirst nameCurrent positionRole & responsibilities in the project (4 lines max)
GETOrgogozoLaurentAssociate Professor – UPSCryohydrogeology modeling, high performance computing, upscaling. – Project coordinator – GET’s scientific leader – Coordinator of WP1 and of WP4
GETPokrovskyOlegResearch Director -CNRSTransfers in arctic and sub-arctic regions. – GET’s co-scientific leader, – Coordinator of WP3
GETAudryStéphaneResearcher – CNAPField surveys and databases. – Participant of WP3
GETShirokovaLiudmilaAssociate Professor -UPSField surveys and databases. – Participant of WP3
GETAudaYvesResearch Engineer – CNRSDigital elevation model, data mapping. – Participant of WP4
OMPGondetEtienneResearch Engineer – CNRSHigh performance computing, data management. – Participant of WP1 and WP4
GETXavierThibaultPost-doctoral ResearcherCryohydrogeology modeling and/or high performance computing, – Participant of WP4
GETPerezTomasMaster Student – CNRSHydrology/hydrogeology and/or numerical modeling – Participant of WP2
CESBIOGascoinSimonResearcher – CNRSSnowpack dynamics modeling. – Participant of WP2
IMFTMarcouxManuelAssociate Professor – UPSCharacterisation of heat and mass transfers in porous media, upscaling – IMFT’s scientific leader – Coordinator of WP1 and of WP2
IMFTQuintardMichelResearch Director – CNRSTransfers in porous media, upscaling – IMFT’s co-scientific leader – Coordinator of WP2 – Participant of WP1
IMFTDavitYohanResearcher – CNRSComputed tomography, upscaling – Participant of WP2
IMFTCazaurangSimonPhD student – CNRSPorous media, numerical modeling – Participant of WP2
LSCEGrenierChristopheResearch Director – CEACryohydrogeology modeling/benchmarking, field surveys and databases. – LSCE’s scientific leader – Coordinator of WP1 and of WP3
LSCEMoucheEmmanuelResearch Director – CEACoupled surface/sub-surface flow modeling, benchmarking – LSCE’s co-scientific leader – Participant of WP1 and WP3
LSCEMüglerClaudeResearch Director – CEACoupled modeling of flow and heat transport, benchmarking – Participant of WP3
LSCEOulbaniHamidMaster Student – CEAHydrology/hydrogeology and numerical modeling – Participant of WP3
LSCETo be hired by ANRTo be hired by ANRMaster Student – CEAHydrology/hydrogeology and numerical modeling

– Participant of WP3
