Hyperborea объединяет партнеров из четырех французских лабораторий:
- Центр научных исследований окружающей среды Тулузы (GET)
- Институт механики жидкостей Тулузы (IMFT)
- Центр пространственных исследований биосферы (CESBIO)
- Лаборатория наук о климате и окружающей среде (LSCE)
Гиперборея также сотрудничает с международными исследовательскими партнерами, участвующими в наблюдениях за бореальными поверхностями материков, включая Институт леса им. Сукачева в Красноярске, Томский государственный университет и Шведский секретариат полярных исследований.
Partner | Name | First name | Current position | Role & responsibilities in the project (4 lines max) |
GET | Orgogozo | Laurent | Associate Professor — UPS | Cryohydrogeology modeling, high performance computing, upscaling. — Project coordinator — GET’s scientific leader — Coordinator of WP1 and of WP4 |
GET | Pokrovsky | Oleg | Research Director -CNRS | Transfers in arctic and sub-arctic regions. — GET’s co-scientific leader, — Coordinator of WP3 |
GET | Audry | Stéphane | Researcher — CNAP | Field surveys and databases. — Participant of WP3 |
GET | Shirokova | Liudmila | Associate Professor -UPS | Field surveys and databases. — Participant of WP3 |
GET | Auda | Yves | Research Engineer — CNRS | Digital elevation model, data mapping. — Participant of WP4 |
OMP | Gondet | Etienne | Research Engineer — CNRS | High performance computing, data management. — Participant of WP1 and WP4 |
GET | Xavier | Thibault | Post-doctoral Researcher | Cryohydrogeology modeling and/or high performance computing, — Participant of WP4 |
GET | Perez | Tomas | Master Student — CNRS | Hydrology/hydrogeology and/or numerical modeling — Participant of WP2 |
CESBIO | Gascoin | Simon | Researcher — CNRS | Snowpack dynamics modeling. — Participant of WP2 |
IMFT | Marcoux | Manuel | Associate Professor — UPS | Characterisation of heat and mass transfers in porous media, upscaling — IMFT’s scientific leader — Coordinator of WP1 and of WP2 |
IMFT | Quintard | Michel | Research Director — CNRS | Transfers in porous media, upscaling — IMFT’s co-scientific leader — Coordinator of WP2 — Participant of WP1 |
IMFT | Davit | Yohan | Researcher — CNRS | Computed tomography, upscaling — Participant of WP2 |
IMFT | Cazaurang | Simon | PhD student — CNRS | Porous media, numerical modeling — Participant of WP2 |
LSCE | Grenier | Christophe | Research Director — CEA | Cryohydrogeology modeling/benchmarking, field surveys and databases. — LSCE’s scientific leader — Coordinator of WP1 and of WP3 |
LSCE | Mouche | Emmanuel | Research Director — CEA | Coupled surface/sub-surface flow modeling, benchmarking — LSCE’s co-scientific leader — Participant of WP1 and WP3 |
LSCE | Mügler | Claude | Research Director — CEA | Coupled modeling of flow and heat transport, benchmarking — Participant of WP3 |
LSCE | Oulbani | Hamid | Master Student — CEA | Hydrology/hydrogeology and numerical modeling — Participant of WP3 |
LSCE | To be hired by ANR | To be hired by ANR | Master Student — CEA | Hydrology/hydrogeology and numerical modeling — Participant of WP3 |