
Hyperborea объединяет партнеров из четырех французских лабораторий:

  • Центр научных исследований окружающей среды Тулузы (GET)
  • Институт механики жидкостей Тулузы (IMFT)
  • Центр пространственных исследований биосферы (CESBIO)
  • Лаборатория наук о климате и окружающей среде (LSCE)

Гиперборея также сотрудничает с международными исследовательскими партнерами, участвующими в наблюдениях за бореальными поверхностями материков, включая Институт леса им. Сукачева в Красноярске, Томский государственный университет и Шведский секретариат полярных исследований.

PartnerNameFirst nameCurrent positionRole & responsibilities in the project (4 lines max)
GETOrgogozoLaurentAssociate Professor — UPSCryohydrogeology modeling, high performance computing, upscaling. — Project coordinator — GET’s scientific leader — Coordinator of WP1 and of WP4
GETPokrovskyOlegResearch Director -CNRSTransfers in arctic and sub-arctic regions. — GET’s co-scientific leader, — Coordinator of WP3
GETAudryStéphaneResearcher — CNAPField surveys and databases. — Participant of WP3
GETShirokovaLiudmilaAssociate Professor -UPSField surveys and databases. — Participant of WP3
GETAudaYvesResearch Engineer — CNRSDigital elevation model, data mapping. — Participant of WP4
OMPGondetEtienneResearch Engineer — CNRSHigh performance computing, data management. — Participant of WP1 and WP4
GETXavierThibaultPost-doctoral ResearcherCryohydrogeology modeling and/or high performance computing, — Participant of WP4
GETPerezTomasMaster Student — CNRSHydrology/hydrogeology and/or numerical modeling — Participant of WP2
CESBIOGascoinSimonResearcher — CNRSSnowpack dynamics modeling. — Participant of WP2
IMFTMarcouxManuelAssociate Professor — UPSCharacterisation of heat and mass transfers in porous media, upscaling — IMFT’s scientific leader — Coordinator of WP1 and of WP2
IMFTQuintardMichelResearch Director — CNRSTransfers in porous media, upscaling — IMFT’s co-scientific leader — Coordinator of WP2 — Participant of WP1
IMFTDavitYohanResearcher — CNRSComputed tomography, upscaling — Participant of WP2
IMFTCazaurangSimonPhD student — CNRSPorous media, numerical modeling — Participant of WP2
LSCEGrenierChristopheResearch Director — CEACryohydrogeology modeling/benchmarking, field surveys and databases. — LSCE’s scientific leader — Coordinator of WP1 and of WP3
LSCEMoucheEmmanuelResearch Director — CEACoupled surface/sub-surface flow modeling, benchmarking — LSCE’s co-scientific leader — Participant of WP1 and WP3
LSCEMüglerClaudeResearch Director — CEACoupled modeling of flow and heat transport, benchmarking — Participant of WP3
LSCEOulbaniHamidMaster Student — CEAHydrology/hydrogeology and numerical modeling — Participant of WP3
LSCETo be hired by ANRTo be hired by ANRMaster Student — CEAHydrology/hydrogeology and numerical modeling

— Participant of WP3
