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HiPerBorea at the 16th Annual Meeting of InterPore, InterPore2024

HiPerBorea participated to the 16th Annual meeting of InterPore, held in Qingdao from the 13th to the 16th of May 2024. Presenting the project to the porous media community was the occasion of many interesting and fruitful discussions. The presentation given at this conference may be found here.


A New Land Cover Map of Two Watersheds under Long-Term Environmental Monitoring in the Swedish Arctic Using Sentinel-2 Data

In September 2023 a paper presenting a new satelite-based land cover map for the watersheds of Miellajokka and Stordalen near Abisko Scientific Research Station has been published by Yves Auda, Erik J. Lundi, Jonas Gustafsson, Oleg S. Pokrovsky, Simon Cazaurang and Laurent Orgogozo in Water. In this work, a sentinel-2 image of July 2022 has […]


HiPerBorea at the European Conference On Permafrost 2023 in Puigcerda

The 6th European Conference On Permafrost was a great success, full of inspiring communications and fruitfull discussions, in the beautiful and pleasant pyrenean town of Puigcerda. Warm thanks to the organizers! At this conference HiPerBorea gave four communications in four different sessions: Great memories for the HiPerBorea team present at this conference!


Numerical assessment of morphological and hydraulic properties of moss, lichen and peat from a permafrost peatland

In January 2023 a paper related to digital retrieval of hydraulic properties of boreal mosses and lichens has been published by Simon Cazaurang, Manuel Marcoux, Oleg S. Pokrovsky, Sergey V. Loiko, Artem G. Lim, Stéphane Audry, Liudmila S. Shirokova, and Laurent Orgogozo in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. In this work, computer assisted tomography, computational […]


Presentation of HiPerBorea at the 13th Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics conference

HiPerBorea participated to the 13th Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics conference, held in Jeju on the 17th, 18th and 19th of October 2022. Presenting the project to the asian CFD community was the occasion of many interesting and fruitful discussions. The presentation given at this conference may be found here.


Permafrost modelling with OpenFOAM ® : New advancements of the
permaFoam solver

In September 2022 a new version of permaFoam, the OpenFOAM solver for permafrost modelling, has been published in Computer Physics Communications as a Computer Programs in Physics contribution by Orgogozo, Xavier, Oulbani and Grenier. In this work, the massivelly parallel computing capabilities are studied on supercomputers of CALMIP and of the TGCC, and example of […]


Field mission in Abisko — July 2022

On July 2022 a field mission to Abisko Research Station in Northern Sweden has been done. The goals were to produce a new vegetation map for Stordalen and Mielajokka catchments (see the previous HiPerBorea field mission in Abisko) based on satelite data (Auda et al., in prep) and to sample sphagnum mosses from the peatlands […]


Participation to the 5th French/Belgian OpenFOAM® users conference

At this workshop of the FOAM-U association held at the IFPEN nearby Lyon on 17th-18th May 2022, the french/ Belgian community of OpenFOAM users get anew the chance to exchange and discuss in a numerical and friendly atmosphere — a relief after these long lasting covid-19 times ! Here is the presentation given at this […]


Presentation to the french committee of arctic and antarctic researches (CNFRAA)

The participation to the 18th scientific days of the CNFRAA (Comité National Français pour les Recherches Arctiques et Antarctiques — national french committee for the arctic and antarctic researches) held in Toulouse on 10th-11th of May 2022 has been the opportunity to present HiPerBorea to the french polar community. Interesting and exciting days ! Here […]
