Noticeable events :
14th January 2025: HiPerBorea’s intervention at Avec Sciences on the national radio ‘France Culture’.
8th November 2024: HiPerBorea presentation at the 8th Climat et Impacts colloquium.
6th November 2024: HiPerBorea presentation at the JCAD 2024 in Bordeaux (PDF, video).
21st June 2024: Two HiPerBorea communications given at the ICOP 2024 (12th International Conference On Permafrost) in Whitehorse, Yukon: Xavier et al., ICOP 2024 and Cazaurang et al., ICOP 2024.
15th May 2024: Presentation of HiPerBorea at InterPore2024 in Qingdao.
18th December 2023: PhD defense of Simon Cazaurang. Thesis title: “Assessment of the transfer properties of the arctic low vegetation properties using a coupled experimental and numerical approach”. Advisors: Manuel Marcoux (IMFT) and Laurent Orgogozo (GET).
September 2023: HiPerBorea is mentionned in the article “La boîte de Pandore du pergélisol” by Amanda Schrepf, published in Science et Vie Hors Série n°309
19th-21th June 2023: Four HiPerBorea communications at the 6th European Conference On Permafrost held in Puigcerda.
April 2023: 7.7 millions of CPU hours granted to HiPerBorea by GENCI on IRENE supercomputer for the A14 DARI session (may 2023-April 2024)
2nd February 2023: HiPerBorea is mentionned in a radio program of France Culture.
15th-16th November 2022: Mid-project meeting in Paris.
31st October 2022: HiPerBorea is the subject of a press article published in Les Echos.
17th October 2022: Presentation of HiPerBorea at the 13th Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics conference.
17th October 2022: HiPerBorea participates to a public-oriented events for the promotion of science, the Fêtes de la Science 2022.
10th October 2022: HiPerBorea is mentionned in a interview on Radio Présence.
14th September 2022: HiPerBorea is mentioned in an article on the web site of France 3 Régions.
21st-25th July 2022: Field mission to Abisko Scientific Research Station (Abisko)
17th May 2022: Presentation of HiPerBorea at the 5th French/Belgian OpenFOAM® users conference, held in Lyon (IFPEN).
10th May 2022: Presentation of HiPerBorea at the 18th scientific days of the CNFRAA (Comité Nationale Français des Recherches Arctiques et Antarctiques), held in Toulouse.
April 2022: 7 millions of CPU hours granted to HiPerBorea by GENCI on IRENE supercomputer for the A12 DARI session (may 2022-April 2023)
February 2022: Hiring of Tomas Perez as master student at GET (advisors : S. Gascoin – CESBIO – and L. Orgogozo – GET)
September 2021: Hiring of Thibault Xavier as post-doctoral researcher at GET
2nd July 2021 : Online presentations by L. Orgogozo et al. and S. Cazaurang et al. at the VI International Field Symposium WEST SIBERIAN PEATLANDS AND CARBON CYCLE: PAST AND PRESENT (Khanty-Mansiysk)
March 2021: Hiring of Hamid Oulbani as master student at LSCE
3rd-5th February 2021: Work Package 3 meeting at LSCE (Gif-sur-Yvette)
October 2020: Hiring of Simon Cazaurang as PhD at IMFT
21st-24th September 2020: Field mission to Abisko Scientific Research Station (Abisko)
31st August – 4th September 2020: Presentation at the 12th INTERPORE conference (Qingdao, held virtually)
26th – 27th February 2020: Kick-off meeting at GET (Toulouse)
21st October 2019: Presentation at the Environmental Change in Siberia workshop (Paris)
16th October 2019: Presentation at the ESI OpenFOAM® conference (Berlin)
10th October 2019: Presentation at the JCAD 2019 (Toulouse)
28th August 2019: Presentation at the All-Russia conference with foreign attendance: “Forest Ecosystems of Boreal Zone: Biodiversity, Bioeconomy, Ecological Risks”, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS (Krasnoyarsk)
July 2019: Acceptance by the french National Research Agency (ANR)